Saturday, 22 October 2011

Occupy Laman Street

Laman Street October 7th 2011 - photo by Phil Hearne Newcastle Herald Website

While the rest of the world protests against economic inequality and corporate greed, the residents of Newcastle have their own social issue to fight. Comparably less significant, but an issue that has brought many residents together to stand alongside the trees of Laman Street, Cooks Hill and demand an honest risk assessment before council remove the iconic figs altogether.

Following on from my previous post 'Save Us From Ourselves' the fate of the Laman Street figs has been back and forth to council until, finally, the removal equipment arrived in Laman Street a couple of weeks ago. They were met with protesters attempting to block the street's access, who were then pushed out of the way by police. The crowd watched on as the workers started chopping massive limbs from the figs. However, council's general manager has put the complete removal of the trees on hold with concerns over safety of staff, Councillors, contractors and members of the public.

And so the saga continues. The trees have a temporary reprieve. Here's a gallery of some creative signage the public have created in the area surrounding Laman Street and Civic Park.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Obnoxious Ads - You Can Bank On It

Just in case people aren't pissed off enough at banks at the moment, the Commonwealth Bank in Australia has just realised their 'Celebrating 100 years in Australia' commercial that is nothing more than vomit inducing.

For those unaware, the Commonwealth Bank in Australia is one of the 'big four' banks in Australia and is the second largest Australian-listed company on the Australian Securities Exchange. It's not surprising then, that they are trying to market themselves to us as 'one of the people'. Unfortunately, their new ad seems to claim a role in, or at least compare themselves to, many historic Australian events including major sporting achievements. However the worst offence of all is their mention of Australia's role in the first world war, in particular our presence at Gallipoli. Claiming to be pillars of strength, like our soldiers and victims of bush fires. Too bad they couldn't justify themselves further by claiming that high bank fees are integral to Australian history as well.

Anyone have a warm and fuzzy feeling about Australian society's partnership with the Commonwealth Bank after watching this? Didn't think so.

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Portrait of a Long Weekend: Part Two

Last long weekend I wrote a blog entry on how many of our long weekends are plagued by rain. Turns out the October long weekend is no exception either . . . .