It is said that in Australia everyone is in party mode from the second Tuesday in November (Melbourne Cup Day - traditional day of piss ups and stupid hats), and this lasts through Christmas until Australia Day on January 26th. Probably true as my calendar is always full between these months with family events, parties and public holidays. It's a good time of year - warm (sometimes stupidly hot), sunny and everyone is enjoying the beach, BBQs and daylight savings.
However, throughout the year I watch as our shopping centres and TV commercials are transformed to conform with the latest holiday or event. Whatever time of the year it is, there is something out there reminding you of an upcoming event that cash needs to be outlaid for. This year I was walking through the local supermarket and Christmas novelties were out in mid September. Sorry, you may not have caught that - mid September! These decorations will be up until the end of Christmas sales in January. That's a full FIVE MONTHS of Christmas merchandise staring at you in the face wherever you go. Bit much, hey?
On top of this, no sooner has the tinsel and trees been put away, the Easter eggs and hot cross buns start appearing on the shelves. It's almost like the Christian calendar was developed by the commercial industry. Luckily for department stores everywhere, whenever Christmas or Easter isn't the flavour of the month, Hallmark comes to the rescue with Valentine's Day, St Patricks Day, Mothers' Day, Fathers' Day, Back-to-school sales, etc.
I am not against shopping. In fact, I'm rather good at it. And we all know how commercialised holidays are. But September is way too early to be thinking about Christmas. Saturating the year with these holiday products just dilutes the holiday. What's the point of having these special once-a-year days if you're exposed to it for almost half the year? It's department stores trying to cash in on Christmas revenue for as long as they can. And it leaves a bad taste.
Anyone who buys a hot cross bun in February, or a Christmas baubles in October, is an idiot.
P.S. Don't even get me started on the so-called 'Christmas in July' rort.